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entries tagged β€œweekly”

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 38 of 2024


there's an episode of Colombo where Colombo calls Jaws (1975) "the fish picture". last week after posting my post i went to a CeX in Woolwich and picked up a pair of headphones. walking home to get my bearings i checked the name of a bus stop and it laughed at me.

a bus stop sign reading ha ha road

the lucy & yak jumpsuit fits well so i'll be getting a few more of them for my trip next month. jumpsuits are a great outfit for travel because you always look pretty put together and neat even if you're not. though they're a bad outfit for travel because once you've put it on you will never be able to pee again. remind me not to wear a short sleeve on the aeroplane because there is no way i'll be able to get a hold of that in that tiny bathroom.

zeezy is in canada. hi zeezy.

on tuesday i ordered some chinese food. after i'd eaten half of it i started feeling really sick so i made myself throw up and then i ate the rest of it. that was a low point of the week.

on thursday night i had a video call with a stranger on the instruction of a robot on a Slack. it was good, really interesting, lots of exciting ideas.

getting a lot of resistance from my me trying to enforce an autumnal time shift, but we'll get there.

i've collected together all the 68 books and papers on the https://dynamicland.org bookshelf into a single folder. this took several days. it's about a gigabyte zipped. lmk if you want it.

im putting together a presentation about bento atm, there's a lot to say and i don't yet know how long it's meant to be. just a big page of tasks right now. anyone know any good outlining software?

i've been falling asleeping listen to detective books this week. i'm in simile land. it's good to fall asleep to because it's not too interesting. a lot of action but without anything really happening. actions, but not action, i suppose. she picked up her glasses and placed the stem against her lip, then she reached towards her cup but she didn't touch it, and she shot me a look like a bathroom attendant being left without a tip. very nice to drift off to.

i updated the spiral from a few days ago so that when @prefers-reduced-motion it is a slideshow showing some of the states instead of a spinny guy. sparkle also, the animated gifs only show the first frame when @prefers-reduced-motion. a lot of them aren't very motiony, but better to err on the side of stillness.

if it loaded, theoretically the little box for drawing in up there is shared with everyone who visits the page. remind me next week to get all my chores done before i start adding little silly javascript things to my blog, because my todo list appears to be the same length now as it was when there was sunlight 8 hours ago.

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 37 of 2024

Saving patterns to files on your computer has finally been added to bento, and i started writing a little about bento too. It works offline now, too. yay, bento is now local-first software.

Here is some music to listen. Sure, it's crunchy. The end is very nice.

Listening to that Lady Gaga song with Bruno Mars in it, amd I'm not sure if there's anyone I'd want to be next to when the world was ending. A great thing to start doing in 2025 is tell people to "say cheese!" when you take a photo. The opening line of every chapter of my autobiography will be "I had a perfect life, but I wanted more". And then you feel them letting go from miles away. They say that we don't know why the volcanos that spat diamonds turned themselves off a million years ago, I read about it in a magazine. A few weeks ago I stayed at a hotel where the tv remote had a TikTok button. That was the day I stepped in dog shit, and I washed my boots in the bathroom sink. How about Conway's game of life except instead of dying single cells go off in search of community.

The person who unmasked _why the lucky stiff was a bastard.

I'm going to Los Angeles next month.

Click here

There aren't three minutes worth of lines to write here about my week. It's lots of little small things and I haven't been taking notes. And it's harder to write about nothing sober. I'm reading The Art of Doing Science and Engineering and writing a lot of little experiments. Today I'm going to try to play a video game. But first, eggs.

It's been so long since I've been in the United States. A decade since I've been in California, where infinite westward expansion finally banged into the reality of the Pacific and the only remaining territories were out to space and inside our minds and souls and bodies.

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 36 of 2024

If you're going to seduce my daughter please have the decency to close the door to my dressing room.

i'm really tired.

things i did this week include writing a cool little app and going to bletchley park computer museum (where i bumped into anna shipman!). it was great seeing all the old computers and the computers that are my age. i wonder if the sega megadrive finds that when it turns its head to the left there is a loud click. there was a little trouble after the meal but apart from that a perfect lovely day. the trains going north of london were all so canceled and declayed because an overhead item fell on the rail.

i have been sober as per usual when September Magic rolls around. and i've been watching every episode of Colombo. i need to be bathed in warm jelly and oil and then left in a heap by the side of the road. it's time for bedtime to be time.

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 35 of 2024

hello chicken

welcome to september

today i am writing from the house where alan turing was born. it's a hotel now but when he was born it wasn't a hotel it was a house and he was born here.

a hard time getting home through carnival on monday ended in a early night. ive been so sleeply lately. and need to pee a lot. i have all these bruises that aren't healing and my bones and muscles are sore all the time. my neck is so crunchy now when i turn it, sometimes when i turn to the left it clicks so sharply.

tuesday and wednesday were mopey sleepy, but the september magic is in the air now and things are picking up. hung out at my ex's house on thursday. on friday i did a bunch of cleaning + tidying & dressed up in my orange jumpsuit that seems to be getting harder and harder to take off and i attended an algorave. i tried to make conversation but was way too tired. i'd turned up 7 minutes late for the workshops which meant i was suddenly 3.5 hours early for the event. i rode around on the DLR getting slightly drunk and then sobering up repeatedly, which has a way of wearing you out like stretching and releasing an elasticated cuff. it was really good, though, the event. i'm brimming with ideas.

went to my ex's house afterwards and we drank some water. on sunday we wandered around maida vale, little venice, my old haunt. had some brunch, some tasty south asian dinner, booked a hotel, walked by the water.

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 34 of 2024

Really late this week!! sorry chicken

lost another day taking Linux back off my Macbook because I opened my laptop on the way home yesterday and it had run out of battery while it was in my backpack. rest in peace asahi

so let's say the post is late and it's all linux's fault though really all my fault. rest in peace me

i have a sore noggin. i don't seem to have any notes from during the week. didn't anything happen? at the weekend i went for lunch with my ex and it was very nice.

i read a lot, talked to some nice new people. excited seeing a good number of local-first talks coming out at the moment. im sleepy.

bret victor only has 4 days left

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 33 of 2024


I allowed myself to sober up for 36 hours, and learned after a couple nights good sleep that I am quite sad and lonely! So, I won't be making that mistake again. Though tequila is quite expensive and not available on the NHS for some reason.

This week I had a few bad phonecalls, and wrote some okay code, watched some TV, and chatted to some interesting new people. On Friday night I went out for a walk, down a street I've walked down many times, but it led to a street I've never seen with new shops and parties. I'm not sure where I was but eventually I found the fox and firkin from an angle I've not come at it from before.

I was wrong, Megan, I'd never actually listened to that BjΓΆrk album and honestly it's crazy that that is your favourite but I listened to it on the way home and it was extremely upsetting, but I enjoyed it and I understand.

The writing in these entries has been lacking lately, that's a shame. sorry to anyone reading. I cannot imagine improving that, or making music or doing anything that requires a working mind. , how would it come about? I've purchased a whiteboard and it's full of text and plans for a piece of software I may or may not ever write. The challenge , because without constant distraction my thoughts quickly wonder into the kind of territory that is an anxiety and (s|m)adness machine and with enough distraction then they aren't there at all. A day was wasted installing Linux on my macbook for no good reason. A classic activity in times like these.

Let's pause here for a moment, and remember the truths of alchemy and the magickal practice of Silence. That's when you want to talk about it so much, that it's nearly bursting through your skin electric light through every pore. That holding onto it focuses not only you (who cannot speak until it is complete), but God or Fate or the collective unconscious. Thy will be done.

sleeping nearly upside down
  one palm against the center
    eating very bad

maybe i can beat it. what if i say that i must make a pot of chili and a piece of music by midnight, and post both here?

can i be driven by that? is that enough? it's 7:34p.m. now. i've been writing for a few hours, without much to show for it. but i've made it all the way into the kitchen now and even emptied the dishwasher. i can imagine a world where i even take the clean sheet out of this washing machine and change the bed. ok. i will do it.

time goes by...

it appears somehow the beef mince i bought today has already expired. a horrid, deeply unsettling smell the evokes a reaction that must be ancestral. i didn't notice until i already started cooking it, because what is blood supposed to smell like? the red onions... and their friends.... it's okay. i can try again. i will have a smaller goal, i'll simply get all these vegetables and empty bags and boxes off my bed instead.

you broke my heart. again. and you didn't seem to think there was any problem with it. and if i am sad... if somebody can't talk right now it doesn't always mean they're mad, you're not the only thing happening in anybody's life.

and that's good not bad.

they're meant to separate, that's the problem. that keeps being the problem! treating two separate processes that need to be done one after another, in different frames of mind, like it's one thing. you must write, then edit. you must do the science (exploration) then the engineering (implementation).

it's been a while since i cried. gets caught in my throat. then i'm holding on to it.

so it's 10:25 now. chili is absolutely off the menu. tomorrow i will cook an omelette for breakfast. and make coffee. then we will see about how to put humpty back together again.

i met becky down by the shore of the thames. it was a beautiful evening sitting on the sand by the oxo building and trying to put the future together. she's going to be playing a large egg in a pantomime.

time passes

it's 11:07p.m. now.

time passes

it's 11:55p.m. now.

well, i guess the answer is no

British Summer Time GMT+1

week 32 of 2024

do you like water?

slurp slurp.

this week there were various events. hang on, let me get the tequila. we're having Soho House Picantes. by we i mean you and me. here is yours. it's that time of the year when there are horrible little flies everywhere, and those big curious fellas too who have something to say about everything. buzz buzz buzz.

work has been fine. but, uncertain horizons. we will see what happens next. and what happens after what happens next.

a few nights ago an old friend came over and we sat on the ground against the wall of the church and cried a little about this and that.

there hasn't been much of anything but a little tequila here and there, some snacks, and writing a whole bunch of code. and reading a lot too. reading a lot of code. have you seen this thing? https://movablefeastmachine.org

  • txt.chee.party
    • a (what's a word for when something has less than minimal?) collaborative markdown editor
  • worldwideweb.chee.party
    • also a collaborative editor
    • but with some service worker fun so you can import files (html, css, and js) from other pages you've made
    • any page you send someone they can also edit as long as they have a # key
    • it's straightforward but hard to explain
    • warning also that page may well have changed between my posting it and you're reading it because anyone can edit it by putting a # before the path
    • maybe the readme would help
    • or this footnote[1]
  • automerge-repo-solid-primitives
    • a few helper functions to use SolidJS with Automerge
    • this doesn't yet have my separate autopatcher/autoproduce library for deep fine-grained reactive documents. that's still living in its own heavily tested folder in another repo that's currently going through a big rewrite
  • couple other things too
  • general mischief

at some point i need to do any or all of these:

  • wash
  • drink water
  • eat a healthy meal
  • go outside

an old friend came over last night and we had a good chat and i'm a little more optimistic about the future. by future i mean the next couple of weeks.

some time i hope to make music again, but it seems impossible right now. but i know from having lived a long time the illusion of continuity. it seems unimaginable now. but later i'll be doing it, and unable to imagine a time when i wouldn't.

the sun sets at 8:29p.m.

  1. iβ€” it's actually not very much but it's kinda tricky to explain.

    ok so. when you go to a url, it installs a service-worker that intercepts all page requests that have a path in them.

    it takes a path like like /$id.$ext it takes the $id as a document url and $ext as an indicator of the correct content-type

    it sneakily loads the document called $id from the Automerge* storage and then returns that


    if there is no path, then it will interpret anything after a # the same way, but instead load you an editor for that file!

    so with these two things together:

    you can make pages, scripts, stylesheets and reference them from each other <script src=/$id.js and share them with peopel

    but also anyone with the URL to see it can also edit it by putting a # in front of the path

    so that page above is https://worldwideweb.chee.party/3oM1kJ39NMMUKBw3WqEH5g9NR5R2.html and/but the editor for it is https://worldwideweb.chee.party/#3oM1kJ39NMMUKBw3WqEH5g9NR5R2.html

    the editors are also collaborative so everyone on the editor for a certain file can see everybody else making changes to it in realtime so not only can anybody edit a page you send them.... everybody can edit every page together
