🐰 chee cherries quiet party
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

third 2024

hello, darling! :)

drink some water!

on the day we met, i subscribed. £5 a month. for the guilt. so she'd write more. i wrote my postal address down on the back of my computer so she could take a photo and write me a letter. when i was in Portugal she wrote a longer piece, i read it in the little cafe in idanha-a-nova drinking cheap lager. i talked at length with annemarie about how good the writing was, about how talented this young lady was. that it's raw and it's angry but it's there and i want to see it. and i said the same to gabi in the back of the taxi when we met in the castles in Sintra.

i'm sleepy tonight, it's late to be writing. i worked well this week, i understand what's happening at work now and where it came from and why. we worked from home together most of the week. tuesday night we hit a spot of trouble, but it was the last of that kind of trouble for a while. repaired over falafel, knocked out of ketosis, on the same team. that's how it got fixed, stayed fixed.

z's brother left the country. i'll miss him. he's a nice boy, and funny.

i'm working on an e.p. at the moment called lucky numbers. it's a promising set of tracks so far. i have some demos, but i mixed them in an extremely loud cafe on Saturday and i think i did kind of a bad job so i'll have to mix them again. i hope it'll come out on February 14th.

i'm happy. stable and happy. can't remember feeling like this in a long time. can't remember feeling like this before. i made a nice curry tonight. tangy. z made labneh and pink pickles for snack plates. tangy. maybe we'll make some of that keto bread that's just eggs + mozzarella + greek yoghurt. it's delicious, you just put it all in a lined sheet and stick it in the oven and then it's bread of cheese. the days are very busy, lots of walking, lots of little events. my avg walking distance has tripled over the past 5 weeks. resting heartrate down. i'm feeling life-curious. i'm going to live forever.